We care a whole awful lot.

Unless was born out of a desire to make things better for people and the planet.

With successful careers that spanned diverse fields and sectors, we were disenfranchised by business as usual approaches, burgeoning bureaucracy, and the sometimes blind pursuit of growth.


We believe this kind of shortsighted thinking is at the root of many of society's biggest challenges. When we fail to consider the holistic and interdependent nature of our actions, focus on narrow metrics of success, and design for short term outcomes. we perpetuate social and ecological injustice in the name of progress. In so doing, we become villains in the eyes of the future.

At Unless, we’re aspiring to work differently. We think carefully about how we show up, how we tackle problems, and how we approach complexity.

When we show up, we bring our whole selves. As facilitators of transformation, we know that how we enter a space matters. If we’re not in tune, in balance, and aware of our own social locations, we’re not helping anyone. We incorporated as a nonprofit so that there was no confusion about what we value—balance, ongoing learning and development, reconciling for our role in oppressive systems and structures, and being good ancestors.

When we tackle problems, we take our time and stay focused on the people and the process. There’s no foolproof roadmap to tackling complex problems. It’s a meandering route that takes time, presence, and a commitment to thinking and acting differently. We roll up our sleeves and immerse ourselves in the spaces we work.

When we approach complexity, we do so with hearts and minds full of curiosity and questions. We draw connections, imagine possibilities, and wrestle with ambiguity every day. 

Our clients tell us they can feel the difference. And that’s important to us.

Our Team

Patrick Boot

Patrick Boot | Partner


Patrick is a spirited advocate for the critical and dutiful role designers must play in creating a world that contributes to the flourishing of all life.

Patrick is a founding Partner at Unless. His industrial design education (Carleton University and University of South Australia) oriented Patrick towards understanding the needs of people in the context of their lives. The experience changed his worldview forever. Combined with child-like wonder for the natural world and ever-evolving understanding of human behaviour, Patrick loves getting lost in how the world works and what makes people tick. Today, the outcomes of his work often amount to program, service and system innovation rather than physical products. He’s compelled to put his energy toward projects aimed at long-term, positive socio-ecological impact rooted in thorough design research.

Patrick spends time away from Unless tinkering at the cottage, playing drums and wrangling kids as an honorary uncle and partner.

Glen Lombard

Glen Lombard | Partner


Glen is passionate about building community through more intentional design of social and ecological systems.

Glen is a founding Partner at Unless. While studying political science (University of Waterloo) as an undergrad, Glen was inspired to understand social and political systems and the ripple effects that play out across the latticework of human and natural systems. After graduating, Glen worked at St. Jerome’s University where his passion for systems manifested into developing people and building teams. He cultivated an obsession with designing transformative learning experiences that challenged people to question and create new constructs for who and how they wanted to be in a world aching for compassion, service, and connection. After completing a Masters of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation (OCAD University), Glen honed his practice as a designer and futurist by tackling complex social and ecological challenges in the public and private sectors.

Glen’s first job is as a son, partner, and father. He’s at his best when he’s in nature, riding his bike, exploring new places, or listening to music.