Land and Territory Acknowledgement.


Our home base for this work is Kitchener, Ontario. When we talk about our backyard we’re referring to Waterloo region and the surrounding area. This place is home to many First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. Acknowledging them reminds us of our important connection to this land where we learn and work.

We acknowledge and offer our respect to our Attawandaron, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee neighbours as we strive to strengthen our relationships with them. We recognize our collective responsibility to each other and to the Earth—to take only what we need, leave enough for others and take care of all life for generations to come.

At Unless, we believe it's important to acknowledge the historical and ongoing oppression of Indigenous and racialized groups in Canada; to participate in reconciliation, and to take actions to co-create a more dignified future for all.

In this spirit, we invite and are open to your feedback around how we might improve our practices of equity and inclusion.